This Week @ Portigal

Here’s the deal for this week:

  • We’ve developed a fieldwork plan for our latest study, and are thinking about how that will vary for all the different user types we’ll me meeting with. We’re waiting for news from our client about setting up the customer site visits. In the meantime, we’re diving into the software tools that these customers are using so we can get a glimmer of understanding about how they are currently working, and we’re co-developing some sketches of future designs to help provoke conversation once we’re in the field.
  • UX Australia is coming up soon, so it’s time for me to get my materials in order, figure out the agenda, line up the handouts, and start sending out the homework assignments for my workshop. Plus, some logistics for my travel to Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne.
  • Latest War Stories are from Susan and Gavin. I’ve got one more in hand to post tomorrow, and promises for quite a few more in the next few weeks. If you’ve got a great story to share, you should do so here.
  • What we’re consuming: 99 River Street, Jablow’s Meats, Marvin Gardens.
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About Steve