This Week @ Portigal

Well, howdy hi!

  • I’m headed back later today from a fun long weekend in wine country. Ah, back to reality after some good socializing and eating and drinking!
  • Fieldwork is done! Logistical hell aside, it proved to be very interesting and provocative. The next order of business is to put together the topline summary of the themes and patterns that we had just with the experience of the fieldwork. The deeper dive will come later on, but for this week, we’re all meeting to talk about what we think we heard and what we think it meant. This interaction will really be helpful for guiding the synthesis that comes immediately after.
  • Since I’m actually around for most of this week, it’s networking time, with a lot of calls and other meetings with people I’ve been trying to connect with for a while.
  • I’ve been chatting with several people about different talks and presentations near and far-flung between now and the end of the year. I’ll announce each of them when they go live.
  • Ten years gone: From March 2004 – Swoops, there it is?, Pleix films, Crossing buttons don’t really work, I am Asian, The magnetic-hook bra is here.
  • What we’re consuming: Snacklemouth, Pinot Grigio, bad service, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, Dr. Katz.


About Steve